Parts & Repair
Centrifuge repair, rebuild, refurbish and re-manufacture is another big part of United's business and it attracts customers from as far away as the Maritimes and the southern USA. United provides a complete service on most makes and models as well as their own, and that service includes everything from initial diagnostics and inspection right through to restoration and remanufacturing of parts guaranteed to meet or surpass OEM specs.
Operation, Maintenance & Services Manuals
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Research & Development
As a manufacturer and an innovator it has always been United’s goal to ultimately be able to offer centrifuge solutions to any business or industry where the separation of solids and liquids is a necessary step in their processing procedures. From the founding of the company to this day, United has always been willing to adjust, modify, tweak or remanufacture their centrifuges in order to assist their customers in attaining centrifuging goals and finding centrifuging solutions that work within the context of the processing environment.